Aug 30, 2008
Robert downey jr talks about smoking....he admit it ( good boy...)
Oh boy oh boy i thought you are going to stop it few years back doesn't work. Well Robert said that he tried to stop smoking and caffein but it's difficult for him. Well at least he did stop taking drugs just like jon bon jovi and keith urban did ( all well least you guys realise life is good without drugs)
Hmm stop smoking is quite difficult as i know and the only way to cure is try eating crackers when you feel like want to smoke (i'm not's true..) or chewing gum is a good idea too ( i saw recent robert doing this...hmm take my words huh? )...
Ya...smoking not good for health, stop it before too late.....
Aug 23, 2008
Kingdom hearts.....phew~

Why?? He is cool....
But Cloud and Leon also not bad.....
In KH2 i prefer Demyx....soooooo cute yet so cool
And another thing i really shame of is that i'm using the same gummi ship to travel until the cat tell me that i can create one....i still remember the cat are laughing at me when i told her that i dont know about it....
It really give me a good reminise about it and i still waiting for KH3 in PS3..i heard that more good graphic ll be done and it will go back to my favourite place in KH the destiny island....
Aug 18, 2008
Funny interview RDJ with Val kimmer

It's true....superheroes all together in a movie AVENGER!!
An interview of mtv with RDJ...Yes BINGO!!! It's really become true...
And as i surf the net probably it will taken from marvel series ''the avenger''...
It ll be really cool if superheroes get together but probably not batman (i dont like IT). Maybe bruce banner can borrow some money from tony stark since he is that poor haha...but it wont happen because tony stark is going to hunt the hulk....
(PS: it's turn for the hulk to watch out haha...i just knew in marvel series ironman design a suit for spiderman,cool ya!! And actually RDJ and tobey(spiderman) is close nice)
Iron man talks about batman!!!! Let's see....

Recently, Iron Man himself was even put on the defensive when asked about his feelings on The Dark Knight. In a recent interview with Moviehole, Robert Downey Jr. decided to throw down the proverbial gauntlet:
“My whole thing is that that I saw The Dark Knight. I feel like I’m dumb because I feel like I don’t get how many things that are so smart. It’s like a Ferrari engine of storytelling and script writing and I’m like, ‘That’s not my idea of what I want to see in a movie.’ I loved The Prestige but didn’t understand The Dark Knight. Didn’t get it, still can’t tell you what happened in the movie, what happened to the character and in the end they need him to be a bad guy. I’m like, ‘I get it. This is so high brow and so f–king smart, I clearly need a college education to understand this movie.’ You know what? F-ck DC comics. That’s all I have to say and that’s where I’m really coming from.”
Is he serious? I have to think that he’s at least partially joking here, or maybe just trying to egg on some fanboys, but who knows. If great storytelling is not something that he wants to see in a movie, then what does he want? At this point it seems a safe assumption that Iron Man 2 will not be aspire to be dark or deep in any way.
Burger King helped me beat addiction, Robert Downey Jr. says
The fast food epiphany happened in 2003 when the "Iron Man" star was driving a car piled with "tons of f---ing dope," Downey Jr. told Britain's Empire magazine. The actor decided to pull over for a burger and everything changed.
"I have to thank Burger King," he said. "It was such a disgusting burger I ordered. I had that, and this big soda, and I thought something really bad was going to happen." Downey Jr. says he then tossed all of his drugs into the ocean, deciding right then and there to clean up his act.
Downey Jr. hints that a fateful moment in "Iron Man," when his character Tony Stark requests a cheeseburger from Burger King after being released from his captors, is a reference to his own experiences.
Aug 9, 2008
Robert downey jr on rolling stones magazine cover!!!!


mean so tough....
Aug 7, 2008
A star for Robert downey jr in the walk of fame in 2009....
RDJ finally get his own star on the hollywood walk of fame!!!

He is a shining star...just like the
sunlight shining on him now...and

Even looks good when he is swimming...
Ha ha!!!
Keep it up RDJ, dont ever let me down like keith urban did....sigh!!
(PS: tropic thunder is coming to town~13th of August)
RDJ + Jared Leto=....ti's black and white (dont worry)
Well lastly i feel that i have little connection with the cat totally not with the sirim company, i used to talk most family thing with the sirim company that sit beside me( sound like both of us has reach auntie level).
I found a video, of course related to RDJ....but it also related to jared leto.
Oh man, what makes them can go together...
They are both movie star....
Movie star for little star for jared leto....haha
(the cat'll kill me but this is the fact)
Everything is fine in the beggining, jared leto with a blonde hair...yuck!!!
Still a little handsome for him (not true at all)....until my baby RDJ pop out, i know something not really good is happening.
In the movie RDJ and jared leto are GAY and they love each other...OMG!!!
I like RDJ gay because he really play the role well but with jared....sigh!!!
In the end, they hold each other hand and went to shop.
Noooooo....same respond with the cat!!!
But at least this movie has link the communication between me and the cat....we both want buy the movie!!!
Haha....RDJ you look hot being gay in this movie....
Jared, work hard still to make sure you can get the same status like RDJ....
Ya, forget to tell that the movie is call BLACK AND WHITE....
Titan dont know it...ha
Aug 5, 2008
Bon jovi, keith urban or robert downey jr....i'm out of budget!!!

Bubba and gump shrimp's all about forest gump
Here is where we sit, and it is a wall that decorate
with Lt Dan thingy...
This is when forest gump play american football,
he cant stop himself from running when his coach
ask him to run:''Run forest run.''
There is a quote by forest gump mother that i really like. Life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what you're gonna get. It's really dont know what'll going on next in your life. And this is what forest gump tell to the other when he waiting at the bus stop.....
We really enjoy our meals in bubba and gump shrimp company, not only the meals, the surrondings and service are great too...
Forest gump is really a interesting and meaningful movie.....You should check it out if you havent watch it before...
(Ps: never give up in what are you doing...)
Guess what i see....Iron man audi tt !!! ( fainted...)
I'm so in love in iron man everything.....
And few days back, when i went to do some window shopping, i saw tony stark, iron man sport car!!!
Tony stark:'' hmm did you really saw my car...??''
Yes it's your car...without hesitating, i rush over the car and take picture of it. I was so nervous (dont know what the heck i nervous for )
and i begin to yell to my father :'' faster faster take a picture of no no you hold my ice cream, i'll take it myself.''
I begin to lose control and i forget what've i tell my father to do but i feel like kind of buzy.
Here' the car....
I know tony stark' s one is silver colour and is more coll than this but i dont care as long as it is the same type of car that tony stark drive. nice it would be if suddenly tony stark appear in front of me and said :'' would you mind that i take you for a ride....''. (dreaming)
(I really want to own one and my father said he cant afford to buy for me so he said :'' Buy it yourself...'' How cruel my father is... it's really hard for me to buy it MYSELF. And he told me to work hard for that...ok i'll try. Set it for my target to hardwork)
After that when we go off, i can nearly hear my father murmuring :'' Better dont tell you it's a audi tt that drove by tony stark.''
And i just realize when i saw the car i ask my father to carry all the things like a.....
( ok sorry...i'm kind of lose control of course i love my father more than tony stark...i wont do that again..hehe.)
(PS: Audi TT...wait for me, i'll work hard till i get you...)
Aug 3, 2008
Iron man VS Batman....Part 3 (christian bale VS Robert downey jr )

But dont forget....Robert downey jr...He is HOT too...and handsome and sexy and.....
So it's a tide again for both of them.....
In the movie..christian body shape is good and as well as robert, keep in good shape too to play the role....IT'S A TIDE AGAIN...
but who perform better in the movie.....
Absolutely MR.Robert downey jr.....just like what he said in the movie:''The truth is...i'm iron man.''
Yes,he's right. He bring out the personalities of tony stark. Man, he is tony stark. Humour in the movie without losing his cool and powerful weapon inventor image. Action when it should be action, playboy when he should be playboy,serious when he should be serious....what a flexinle actor he is..
Excellent...that's why he got the golden globe award. I dont know what christian got before....Robert is such talented and i recommend you guys to watch his other movie as well....
For christian....sigh...I....
dont want to say much about him....he is more better in equilibria or did heath acting skill in batman has overcome his.....If one word to describe christian in the movie...boring...need more...then i say it sound more better.....
Lastly if i have to choose......heath ledger performs the best....Take a bow for him as the joker....
But i like iron man better (joker is scary...ironman more friendly....batman....speechless)
Iron man VS Batman....Part 2 (The movie )
But as i praise for the's time for me to criticise the batman!!!
When the movie with the appearance of the joker, the movie is alive....interesting. But when the movie without the joker,it is sooooo boring and....really boring. Batman is overwhelmed by the joker...C' makes me feel like if the movie is without the joker...oh,it's a long boring movie.
Iron man , one words to describe....great!! From the start to the end, interesting story line, with some humour but not over, awesome action scene.....I 'll like to watch one more time after i watch it in the cinema and i even thought of buying the dvd...
For batman...when i watching in the cinema, i feel like i want to turn aside and begin chat with my friend, luckily the joker appearance draw my attention back to the movie...will i want to watch it again??
Yes, absolutely if the movie is The joker begin: Beat the dark knight.
Iron man win...they deserve best summer movie award!!!!
(PS: Iron man 2 coming soon in 2010...better watch out,batman...)
Iron man VS Batman.....Part 1 (Character )