Feb 27, 2009
Coldplay's chris martin misleading MY robert downey jr aka Sherlock Holmes...
Here's the article i read,
Robert Downey Jr. is dieting to please his friend Chris Martin.
The actor - who became friends with the Coldplay frontman after starring in 'Iron Man' with Chris' wife Gwyneth Paltrow - has been shedding pounds in preparation for his title role in the upcoming movie 'Sherlock Holmes'. He made the decision to slim down following pressure from Chris, who is a big fan of the Arthur Conan Doyle detective stories.
Robert said: "He's a huge Sherlock Holmes fan. He said to me before we began, 'You've got to be gaunt. You've got to be a skinny as you possibly can to play Holmes.' So every time I'm reaching for a muffin I just think about Chris Martin and skip the snack. It's been tough."
Robert, 43, needed to slim down after bulking up for his role in action movie 'Tropic Thunder'.
He said: "All I did was eat cheeseburgers and smoke Camels for three months. You've got to be in good shape to make it through that.
"I do tons of weightlifting and martial arts anyway, so I stepped up my Wing Chun Kung Fu. I like staying in shape for a movie. Normally you pay for personal trainers, so it's great when you can keep fit at someone else's expense. I run a lot of miles and eat a lot of Wheaties cereal."
Actually i think robert is skinny enough, just need to GAIN some pound to build up some muscle.
I dont want see a skinny robert although the origin character is quite like that....Dear Chris martin, HOW COME ROBERT SO OBEY TO YOU??? Just kidding, cant believe...they must be close friend.
But i'm running a lot of miles and eating cereal meal (coco crunch...) like robert now...hehe cant believe we're doing the same thing......
Although we're far away from each other but.....we're connected...hehehe
Feb 23, 2009
A guide to recognizing your saints

Just finish watching this film '' a guide to recognizing your saints''.

Feb 10, 2009
Man with suit.....

And even a very simple long sleeve shirt (base for suit ) makes Brad looks fantastic.
And the other guys that i want to talk about is Brad buddies aka the very classic example that all of us want to talk about when it comes to suit or coat....yes it's George clooney. Actually he's not that handsome for me although it is for everybody BUT.....he's like kinda gentlemen for me and although he not that good looking but errr he has the....should i say sense or what.
Hmm....good sense in picking the right suit.
Learn something from him....gentlemen
He is the only one that i feel that his hair...you know that is something about his hair to match with those suit. Just like what he did in the movie of leatherheads...i mean his hair. Actually in the beginning ( when i'm still young although i not old right now...), i dont like that king of hair though but that hair really works on this guy plus he has the salt and pepper type of hair so it makes him looks much more mature ( i think only ) Here's some example of him....

Simple and clean....not copy from KH.
And now i should talk bout a legendary not really our most handsome pilot of all time from the top gun.....Bingo it is Tom cruise.
He is handsome, yes when he is young and now i dont really think that he is good in wearing suit because from a few picture i search i just dont get it. But overall it is consider as passed.

Jon did make a difference.
And of course i wont miss out Jon Bon Jovi ya. He's the most different compared all of them above because he can rock people out still with a suit on.....not many people can do that. See...( heart is pumping faster than ever by looking at the picture....) That's why he did for versace commercial. Rockstar style of suit
Last but not least......it's my honour to reveal the very respectful stylish man with nice suit.....i'm proudly present you the great Robert Dowey Jr ( this line copy from Ironman....hehe)
Dont know why but he just have the dare to try any kind of suit even some bright color one. But guess what he take the risk, and he make it.
Make it easy....relaxing!!!
Too many style of suit that robert downey jr have....which one you want? Chaplin style? Tony Stark style? Sherlock holmes style? But there is only the best and it is himself.
Playing teacher???
This is great.....i'm melted.
But he's a confidence kid.....err i mean guy......He looks great in coat, suit or even waistcoat. ( i have to mention that Keith Urban looks fabulous in waistcoat....)

Man with suit? No...man with style.
So now it is the end of my very own opinion of suit on these guys......for some that really cool guys out there i might forget to say.....wait for next round ya. ( Damn i forgot Johnny Depp.....)
Feb 7, 2009
Defying gravity
Hahaha....i'm so happy. This featured one of his new released single Sweet thing ( song he wrote for me....) Oh man cant wait to see but i'll still wait for bon jovi new album then just decide which one to buy. This is what i call fair. Hehe
Feb 5, 2009
Keith urban wear spect!!!
Oh man i'm so excited to see that coz he looks really great.....oh man he's so cute when wearing spectacles.....
Oh my flower crazy begin again..... (@.@)

Look great in this suit....
Not bad, can be compared to
jon bon jovi and robert downey jr
Demand,demand,demand....(Bon jovi, keith urban..)
I never thought it would be this number....Give me a better one!!!
If you enjoy music of bon jovi and keith urban like me, PLEASE demand them to our lovely country Malaysia....by going to Eventful website and demand it.....
(May all my wish come true....)