Feel so damn nice...
Apr 29, 2009
Relax, sit down and listen to this song...
Apr 27, 2009
The soloist get good reviews!!!!
The soloist which just hit the cinema get some good reviews all over the net. Although the box office isn't that good as i expect. The soloist only get into no.4 in the box office.
Although things doesn't goes well for the soloist after few times of postpone and not that good box office. But so far people that've watch this movie got a good review about them. Says that is a movie that is real touching (as in my expectation...) and during the dialogue between the conversation is really humour too. Movie that tells a pure friendship.
And some says Robert Downey jr outshines Jamie Foxx in this movie. Haha glad to hear that. Most reviewer praise a lot on the cast acting skill.
I can't wait no more. Tired of waiting this movie to be released on the screen in Malaysia. I dont even think that it'll be or maybe after some times. I can't help myself...please either showing on the cinema or released the dvd. I'll gives up on Keith urban album to buy this movie dvd.
Middle east man~~~@_@
No doubt i'm having an addiction to middle east man. I just dont get it but it happens.
Middle east man doesn't mean like Ja'afar, the bad guy in Alladin...(He dont look good) For me, i like middle east man or i think i better say middle east male because they have a really special feature...For example, LARGE eyes (which i dont have...), Beard (Which i dont have too....) But dont know how their attitude is....
They have the most beautiful eyes on earth. I can feel like there's something in their eyes looks interesting. Their eyelash~~~you dont found that thick eyelash in asian male. Or even American, Italian, French or whoever from other races.
Mostly their beard....sometimes i really doubt myself why i'm so interested in beard. I mean if i were a man, i'll definitely keep a beard. Haha i think it sound really awkward suddenly i wrote about this ''title''. This is because....i saw a really handsome middle east male yesterday when i'm working. Hehe.
That time i'm wander around my working shop and i found that there's a middle east male and a female in the shop. They're not important. So i think that might have some around. So i scan around and get one outside our shop. He's soooooooooooooo handsome (almost fainted....).Looks a bit like Danny Gokey with recent a little beard on.He's wearing a white tee. Eating chewy sweet, colouful one....so cute. Haha he of course have a large and big and beautiful pair of eyes. And he keeps a little beard. Not those really heavy one...is those slightly. Barely can see.隐约可看见. Feel so shy...hehe. He wander outside the shop. So i stand in front of the shop entrance to see it clearer BUT damn it, a customer is enquiring me about the product.....After that, he's gone. If he enter thew shop, i'm sure to promote my product to him....Grrr, the customer!!!! But after that i saw another middle east male looks like the comedian or i think is Jeffrey dean morgan. Okay Okay only...
But i think that one i saw at Burger King at sunway is the best i've ever seen. I still remember the cat is with me. The middle east man is tall and looks quite tough,from his body shape. And when he turn around. WAAAAAA, he looks like Robert downey jr...maybe handsome than him,no no no...can compared to him. And after he finish ordering because he is next to us. When i'm discussing with the cat, another middle east man ( not handsome one...dont know who he is...)turn to me and smile. Yeeee....O_0'' what the hell he doing....I still remember the cat feel really fuuny and straight away laughing. From that moment, i become very alert to middle east male...and i like to go sunway more often.
I'm not feeling quite right writting down this but i think it is really ''special''. I'm feeling myself a gold fish right now. Haha....maybe i'll delete it soon
Apr 21, 2009
The soloist premiere...
Of course Robert downey jr and Jamie fox attend the premiere event.....
Here's some picture.

And some intimate touching touching thing going around....

Apr 20, 2009
Game preview : Fatal Frame : The Tormented
And the village to me is so damn BIG!!! And the game character walk so slow even if you make them run....they run slowly (=_=)''. But i guess the creator purposely to control it's sppeed that slow because this game is create by really details. Like when you walk around the house in village, in the very corner of the house with very din light, you can barely saw the ''living soul'' standing there. Or when you walk by a room with door closing, you can listen really horror crying and when you walk far away, you unable to listen to the crying sound already. Do you know what i mean? Let's say in another game, they must put it in a story scene which you can't control anymore but watch what happen. But in Fatal Frame, there's whole lot of this details thing that you can see of hear when you're controlling the character. So you can tell that how many effort did the game creater, designer or director this game. And this game is by ZERO ( a game company's name). Salute to them. But i only play for a while for fatal frame two because:
First, it is so horrify...i dare not play when i'm alone
Secondly, the village is too big, i dont even know how i'm gonna find the stupid small keys one house by one house in this big village.
Third, the village too dark and some scene when i'm controlling Mayu, i can't see clearly because the scene's like too far from me (the scrren of the tv, should i say too deep inside?)
So...it've been some time. I get my Fatal Frame 3: the tormented but i didnt play it. I leave it for a while. After a few weeks, i ''try'' again. And...i'm addicted. This time is not as dark as Fatal Frame two, is it just my own opinion because the game character Rei carry a torch light haha. So actually in Fatal Frame 3, you can play either Rei, Miku or Kei's character. I chose Rei because she's the main character??? Actually i just click whatever it is so didn't care who i play. So this time, i have no need to play in a BIG village again. Just a house. Japanese traditional house...so it is a big house. At first i get kinda lost in the house but now i can manage to recognised it.
Someone is behind you.....
Oh i havent tell that how this game is play....Haha it is actually in Fatal Frame 3, i enter the house (Rei dont even now why) and explore it. Same thing happen like in Fatal Frame 2, in the house, Rei find a camera ( old one, really old...). The camera is used to captured all the ghost. Whenever you captured one photo og the ghost, it causes harm to the ghost. So when i carying the camera around the house. Same thing, sometimes there's kids run (or fly???) into the corner of the house and disappear. So stupid because everytime it scared me.
See,''suprise'' waiting for you....
Apr 18, 2009
American Idol season 8 top 7

Kris Allen. Good boy looking.
Well during the movie song week, i think Kris did a good job. He sings Falling slowly. Nice slow and soft melody, and i think he able to handle the song because this song didnt really have much melody so his vocal is so important. Nice and clear. Hooray~Kris rock!!!
And i think i'm getting to accept Adam Lambert high note style of singing. He hits the really high note this weeks. Although it is real HIGH note but it sound right with him. Ya no doubt he's getting into the final. And he dare to take risks....Yes young people should not be afraid doing this....Nice try!!!
Meanwhile Allison sings I dont Wanna Miss A Thing.....
Oh God!!! What a Classic movie song of all time. Well of course she did it well. Like her voice, dont like her hair...haha but overall she'll be in the final too.

Danny Gokey, almost falling in love with him...i mean his voice. Like his voice so much!!! Sing endless love. Nice song but Simon thinks that is boring. I think Simon type of boring more likely to be Danny playing safe all the time??? His singing is not doubt is a pass for every week but i think Simon expecting a gred A perfomance from him. Actually i really prefer Danny to take some risk. And i think that he able to take the risk too. Expect more nice song from him. He keeps some beard too this week...(hehe) Everyone knows i like beard...Nice one nice one. Marks added to the appearance. He bought a new guitar and practice on it. Good! Preparing for the tour. Wow future planning.

From the left: Anoop, Kris and Danny.
The rest i dont wanna talk about it. In a cruel way the rest can be eliminated. Anoop Desai quite dissapointed with him In the beginning i though that i can expect something from him but until now he's getting...sigh. Lil should be eliminated. But never thought that she can go until this far. Matt??? It is a waste to use the only chance of the judges to save him from elimination. Dont know what're they thinking. His movie song week dont even performs really well.
Apr 15, 2009
Movie preview ( not really) : Good night and good luck
And i always have a misconception about this movie. I thought it is directed by Tom Hanks....until a few weeks ago, i realize it's not. Well first this movie release, i'm so looking forward to it, since i'm ''misunderstood'' that it is directed by Tom Hanks (his directed movie is acceptable) and from the movie title sounds like some killing action mystery drama combination.
Totally wrong...it is directed by George Clooney ( no confidence about his directed movie...actually none of them really good), so once i knew it was directed by him, i'm scared. I think i've to said that George Clooney more likely to direct a movie about politics and serious type. So not really my type of movie. The same thing the plot is politic related....Not really interested. Talk about a reporter something like stand for his right and bla bla bla.....
Okay from very interested and very '' misunderstood'' to very resist to this movie. It is shoot by using black and white....oooohhhh BORING...for me.
Although Robert Downey jr has a small part in this movie by due to ''small part'', i've to sacrifice NOT to watch this movie too. Until now i still dare not to watch this movie. As for me the biggest disappointment about watching a movie is that you watch a movie which disappoint you.
Although it has quite lot nomination and has won some award if not mistaken...but i'm still dare not to watch it. Unless all my ''misconception'' came true. You can try to watch if you like politics and unique style of film shooting.
It might be too ''artistic' for me.
Apr 11, 2009
Archuleta concert ''adventure''
2.30pm arrive there.....
''What the......you didn't say only limited to 3000 people,'' in the deep of my heart. And the truth is behind the ticket only writing first come first serve.....That's mean no limitation, only first come first serve!!! If there is 3000 limitation, then you shouldn't give away more than this number of the ticket. Moreover some of them buy the album to get it. The ticket not free somemore. Saw the crowd go away with disappoinment. Some of them ald cursing the organizer. Bmg and me standing at the guard house calling my parents.
Suddenly They say allow a bunch of people to get in. And the entrance is just beside us. Without hesitating, i pull BMG over and try to line up but saw those people ( a bunch) running towards the entrance....and get pushing around. Finally i get in but when i turn back, i lost BMG....
I saw her like grabbing by a bunch of zombie outside the gate (they try to get over her to get inside).....phew. Luckily is only human....BMG get pushed and get in to the entrance. We both're sweaty. Sweat like we never sweat before. So luckily we get VIP seat too. But after the gate close, there's still whole lot of people outside....that is really unfair to them.
Almost 3.30pm get inside amphitheathre. No perfomer on stage yet. Well i already know Archie will be ''LATE'' for that. So, JJ and Ian from Hitz fm on stage try to entertain the fans. They said Archie is ''on the way''. When you trying to entertain a fans of someone. Dont ever try to repeat the star is on the way, it is much more better to just entertain them coz this'll make the fans feel annoying. And DJ please study about the artist bio. When you guys ask either sing along with Archie song Crush or A Little Too Not Over You before Archie come. And the crowd choose the second one and you guys agree too. But how come the song you guys playing after that will be Touch My hands??? However people keep singing along....nice Archie spirit but next time don't ever make the same mistake again. I dont know the others figure it out or not. Maybe they just too enjoy in Archie song so didn't realize.
Archie has a nice vocal...cute looking. But i'm suprised that he can't hit some of the notes....The arrangement of the show need to be enhance. The ticket thing and no nore seat is a mess. Well, i'll still admire Archie but keeps gettin' better....improvement need to be see for the next time ( in another words, i'll guess i have to go for Bon Jovi and Keith Urban concert which can satisfy me...I'm quite confidence with Keith's concert, he's a great perfomer and entertainer.) ( Out of topic )
(PS: Archie fans is really crazy...mad of Archie and can scream really loud too...And today is the most tired and sweaty day of mine and BMG, we both agree...)
Apr 9, 2009
Sherlock Holmes snapshots!!!
Robert Downey jr look Freakin' good looking in Sherlock Holmes outfit....Damn sexy~

Archuleta concert countdown

Apr 8, 2009
Wining Eleven 2009
Stupid coach. When i try to relax a bit on the field then the next day not allow me to get in the starting line. The worst part is didn't even call me up to the match.
Haha but just get my best player and top goal scorer in english cup. And get some new hairstyle and new beard for my player....more ''macho''.
And just get transfer back again to newcastle utd...Why arsenal not interested in me???
Wait for the next transfer window open...
Apr 7, 2009
ACM award
Guess who besides keith...so obvious.
During red carpet interview...Keith Urban give a quite nonsence answer.
???: What's the difference between today's red carpet and the red carpet you went before?
Nicole: i think....(starting to talk)
Keith: It's orange....(O_0)'' (he means the carpet is orange in color....that's true...)
Rock it babe.....
Casual the better....
Tim Mcgraw with Keith
Apr 6, 2009
Glad to heard that, Enzo!

Apr 4, 2009
Ironman 2 : Shorter hairstyle for Tony Stark
And Robert Downey jr a.k.a Tony Stark has a shorter hairstyle compared to the hairstyle he had in Ironman.

Woo, first jon bon jovi then keith urban now robert downey jr....of course robert has the best short hairstyle among them. Yea....so handsome....smart!!! (fainted)
Apr 3, 2009
Am i ''Rock''?
Me: =_='' Err...haha (forced to smile)( very noisy? What song it is?......Grrr)(better think before you said it...)
Friends: You like noisy song...those really noisy.
Me: =o=''....ahhh....You're the same too....
Me: Wow i like all those song in this restaurant....NICE!!!
Aunt: Of course...it is either heavy metal or hard rock...(not really)
Cousin 2: Hey what new song you've? (Flip all over the file in my phone) Dont you have softer kind of song?
Me: Huh? Er...i didnt have any new song either....
Best pal: Wah...(frowning listen to my song)
Me: It's just not your type....
Sigh. What happen? When've i become a rock lover in the others's sight?
I'm actually a natural country lover, i didnt resist pop either. I love rock only for some specific reason. And i can only accept that kind of rock which filled with passion in it...there're only one that i like. The one and only.
Maybe my phone and iPod loaded with tons of one kind of rock songs that's why get misunderstood by the others ( playing the song Misunderstood...)
Maybe whenever i play on a country song, the others will think that is my dad's favourite. But actually nowadays song dont have a pure one, i mean pure rock of pure whatever. There are but not that much. There'll be like pop rock, indie rock, country rock, country pop, dance pop and etc.
I like rock but not really that really noisy one if not then i might be one of the fans of thing thing park but i'm NOT.
Little cousin: ...( listening to KU song...)
Me: Like it?
Little cousin:No...(shake her head)
Me: Huh..(frowning) How bout this? (tune on BJ song)
Little cousin: (Slightly headbang...) Very nice ....like it.....
Me: Good, how bout his...
Little cousin: Yeah...(headbang again) (another BJ song playin)
Me: haha( self excited...)
This experiment prove that Little cousin like BJ song. Everytime get the same result. So conclusion is me and my Little cousin like the only specific type of rock.

Apr 2, 2009
淹之料理 Ore no Ryouri

Beside cooking , you have to do things like call the police to make those drunk people get out of your shop, you also have to wash the dishes....And there is one thing i really dont like to do that is Kill all the cockroach with a slipper~if you didnt finish killing those ''thing'' in time, they 'll fly to the customer and they'll ran away...You have to chase people who didn't pay the bills too.
You control all of this by the analog of your concole. That's really cool and my mum always frown when she saw me playing this game because i always move the analog so hard. Haha. And when you're heard a fat woman in the game said:'' Leong Ngai Leong Ngai...'' Then you know there 're customer paying bills and you're in charge of that too. And my dad is the one saying this words to me when he's sitting beside me watching me playing this game. Make me so nervous.
And i fight with alien too in this game...with our cooking skills of course. Now i'm in the very last chapter where i fight with the Leong Ngai Leong Ngai fat woman....I never thought that she would be my enemy since she's the women behind me all the time...because she sitting at the counter. Haha. There's one thing...that i dont understand this game because all in japanese character, even i try to save and load the game make me take some times to figure it out. However it worth for me.
I think i'm quite good in making drinks and chopping all the foods haha. Only in the games...
Apr 1, 2009
Arh Keith Urban cut his hair short...NO!