Feb 28, 2011
Universal spent on big deal, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
It is a movie on a former MI:6 operative agent comes out from retirement to identify the traitor within the MI:6. This movie is directed by Tomas Alferson (director of Let The Right One In!). And of course, it is formed by a pretty strong cast, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth (recent Oscar winner!), Tom Hardy, Mark Strong (One of my fav!), Toby Jones and John Hurt. Now, they got Universal, a nice and classic storyline, I can't see how this film is going to disappoint the audience!
Well, the cast is so strong that you have no worry at all on the acting, now we would like to see how Tomas Alferson is going to present this classic drama series and squeeze it into a 2 hours screenplay! And for Gary Oldman's Smiley character, previously potrayed by Alec Guinness.
"It’s proper work, and I haven’t done that for a long time. I’ve played some amazing roles and I’ve had a good run, but this is something else. And it’s like coming home. I can’t remember the last time I played an Englishman,” Oldman on playing George Smiley and involved in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
Oldman's acting is as convincing as he always does, so who knows? Smiley's role might win Gary something, you know the one that just won by his co-star Colin Firth recently!
I'm really looking forward into this film. It will be released around late November or December this year, probably will be here (...in Malaysia) next year only if they consider to be released at the same time. Can't wait for that!
(PS : Ah, it might be released at the same time with Sherlock Holmes 2! Holmes or Smiley? )
Feb 22, 2011
The mystery midnight Wanton Mee store
Haha! Okay it's not something horrify, it's just exactly like the title, a midnight Wanton mee store that's quite mystery that sometimes you couldn't found it!
Okay, what so special about this Wanton Mee store? It's open in midnight (almost!)! Ya, this Wanton Mee store is so weird ( weird mean unique, unique mean special! ) where this noodle store open at 11 pm if you were LUCKY! Well but I guess you better reach there before 11pm because if you were late (I know it's ald late at night!), you might have to wait for a long queue! This wanton mee store is located at Jalan Tingkat Tung Shin there. Just opposite of Hotel Alpha Genesis, or Carrefour express or Hotel Rae, well this 3 spots formed a Bermuda triangle around this Wanton Mee store!
Of course, it is a roadside store and it is open at midnight...so it might not be a popular favourite place for people nowadays to dine in (Dine in...?? Hmm should I use dine "out"...it is open air anyway!). But I'm quite surprise that there're lot of people waiting there ald when I reach there like 11pm (I'm pretty sure that those that I saw with my eyes are human!).
Well, it tooks us like 30 to 40 minutes to wait for our food to reach us because it's really fully booked! And some decided to go for take-away but they still need to wait though. And for some of the customer, they need to arrange the table and chair themselves, the chair and table is provided but self-servive, ocassionally!
The Uncle Wanton Mee, his name is not Wanton and his surname is not Mee....but I'm just calling him like that as I don't know his real name ( he resist to be interviewed by Urbanae, okay kidding...I didn't interview him! ), he's busying playing with his Wanton ( by the way, Wanton stand for dumpling! ) and noodles. He won't rush just because of a lot of customers are waiting. He don't give a damn (Just a desription~), he will continue doing his work slowly...slowly....and slowly till I get very hungry~
So the football match went into halftime break ( almost 45 minutes... ), the food finally came~
Feb 14, 2011
New crews onboard to the Batman 3 star-studded cruise
Yes, who's onboard and who are they playing!! Ka-Ching, big swipe on Nolan's casting on Marion Cortillard and Joseph Gordon-Levitt! Welcome onboard, guys!

This La Vie En Rose star is confirmed to appear in the Batman 3 : Dark Knight Rises. So, she will be expected playing Talia, the daughter of Batman Begins's villain Ra's Al Ghul. Marion is the love interest to Bruce Wayne. Well, looks like we'll have some catfight between Marion and Anne over Batman ya (Remind me of Scarlett and Gwyneth "fighting over" for Downey in Iron Man!)!
The another crew member get casted is Joseph Gordon-Levitt! You know what? I think this guy resembles Heath Ledger a lot! Aww! Okay let's back to the main point! Who he's playing? Rumors surrounding the Riddler, Robin or Alberto Falcone! Hmm, I'll eliminate the chances of potraying Robin as Nolan once said that he will not have any Robin in his Batman movie. The Riddler? No way! I thought Gary Oldman is eyeing that role so much (Gordon + Riddler, in the end of the movie Gary would probably turn out to be Joker when they finish filming.)! Well, I would like the others to potray the Riddler...like Depp? Or maybe Joseph doing a younger version of Joker? Just kidding and I know it's not funny! Joker is Ledger, Ledger is Legend! So, I think most probably Joseph is going for Falcone, son of Carmine Falcone...I remember that I saw his father in another batman movie, is it Batman Begins? The gangster, yup!
This is the only reason I like Batman movie, the casting is always in a heavyweight range. Now we got Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Oldman, Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion and Joseph Gordon-Levitt in the league! Ah-ah, this gonna be interesting! I would like to see how Nolan going to make an outstanding new sequels for Batman! Well, maybe he will make another Oscar winning movie!
So, Nolan choose to use the origin offspring from the first Batman movie. I wish that it would be something interesting.
(PS : When I have become so alert when it comes to Batman stuff....?? I'm a big Iron Man fans and I...I...hmm....because Batman is...ehem. Well, you'll see again Iron Man and Batman will coming out in a same date! And the box office, urgh! Show Wayne what you got, Tony Stark!)
Feb 13, 2011
Let the Bullets Fly review : Fly high to Hollywood
This movie is so freaking hilarious! At one point, I can't stop myself from laughing and laughing non stop. But it's not only comedy in it, I will like to call it a drama with some action and comedy! The storyline is really good and the way that Jiang Wen present the movie is just-nice ( Not too much and not too little, just fit! )! I'm stunned by the directing of Jiang Wen on this one!

The movie storyline is set around a mayor Tang ( by Ge You ), the bandit Zhang (by Jiang Wen ) and a local tycoon Huang Si Lang ( by Chow Yun Fatt ). Zhang is a bandit that hijacked the train of the mayor, Tang and some incident happened where Zhang "hijack" along the identity of the mayor and became the mayor of town. The purpose of Zhang of becoming the mayor is to, of course get some big bucks from his job. However, he found out that in this town living a tycoon Huang Si Lang who is a baddies and wanna get rid of Zhang as Zhang reach the town. With the help of the original mayor Tang as the advisor, Zhang need to figure out a way to fight with the tycoon Huang Si Lang.
First of all, I gotta say that this movie is really worth watching as we know Jiang Wen, Ge You and Chow Yun Fatt is one of the Thespian. Yup, I use that word for them and they deserves it! I love it especially when Jiang Wen sharing a scene with Chow Yun Fatt! They are both really good in acting! Special note on Chow Yun Fatt, he play two roles in this movie, the tycoon Huang Si Lang and a double in the movie itself which the character used to protect himself since he's a tycoon. I got nothing to say but loves Chow Yun Fatt as baddies. He's ROCK on this one!
Since it is a comedy, there will be a lot of laughing moments for you in Let The Bullets Fly. The movie is using the same technique like the Coen brother use in Burn After Reading, the simple silly direct joke or scene to make the audience laugh. Jiang Wen make the movie more relaxing and not too dense with the drama or action. And I'm so freakin in love on how they use the chinese proverb and make it as a laughing point (Felt so sorry for the non-chinese because it would be really hilarious if you understand chinese and watch this movie, too many chinese proverb is used!)! Just love it! The moment when the mayor's wife died is quite hilarious as well as the first meeting scene when the three actors met in the movie...and the Mozart's part! Haha!

The storyline of the movie having a lots of twisting and twisting that you'll need to pay much attention (if not, you'll get confuse!). But the twisting storyline is really nice and I love how the strategy Jiang Wen used to defeat Chow Yun Fatt in this movie. There's plenty of cameo appearance by some popular China actors and actress in this movie too! Keep your eyes closely on every movie scene!
There's one weakness in this movie, the special effect! Like the train's turnover and fell into the lake or river is...hmm, quite fake. Those people who get shots with the bullet's wound and blood is not that real too. They should improvise on the special effect. And I think, hmm, personal's view....Jiang Wen might be using a "ridiculous" technique in presenting this comedy. BUT, I'm seriously cannot accept the scene where the son of the bandit Zhang cut his own stomach just to proves that he's innocent in the lawsuit. That's too much!
Overall, it's a very good movie! I have a great laugh, the storyline is just my type, the acting from the actors is impressive! I'm highly recommend this movie! Really worth watching! The mask of the bandit is a lil' bit weird though, it's like playing mahjong....And rumors alert!!! Hollywood is interesting in remaking this movie, that will be really COOL! Maybe Coen brothers can take part in this one! They did a poll on selecting the actor for the hollywood version too! And Gary Oldman was top for the role of Chow Yun Fatt's baddies role. I'm absolutely agree with that. He was born for that role or the role was wrote for him!!! Go for it, Mr Oldman! I can't wait if they making the Hollywood version of Let The Bullets Fly and I love to see the sequels from Jiang Wen!!! Thumbs up, I haven't check out a good chinese movie like this for quite a long time!
(PS : Lovely flick! But the tempo of the movie is quite fast though and packed so you must put yourself in the movie while watching it. I'm afraid foreigner can't really get the idea or understand the movie. But worth checking it out!)
Feb 8, 2011
2011 Laureus Awards : Zizou crowned the Lifetime Achievement Award
The awards show is hosted by Oscar winner actor Kevin Spacey. Stars studded on the awards show. It's like watching a flashback on the sports industry when watching the Laureus award where you can find some of the greatest sportman that have retired attend the event and you sometimes might be surprised by some comer from Hollywood as well (Psss, Zola and Vieira is spotted!! I saw Boris Becker as well!). Guess what!? Mika Hakkinen went for the awards show too "fainted". He is my favourite F1 racer way before Alonso, Button, Raikonnen even exist in the circuit.
Of course, the awards show is none other than focusing on some of the awards for the sport industry and for me, lifetime achievement awards might be the category that I dont feel like watching it among all but this time is a totally different story because the recipient of the Laureus Lifetime Achievement awards for 2011 is Zinedine Zidane!

Zizou grabbing the Laureus awards in hand!
"Burst crying" I was kinda shocked on this one. As I thought he will be receiving this awards few years later, I have totally put his retirement out of my mind as for me, he never retired from the match...I can still think of how Zizou playing on the field, I mean he's too good that I cant get it out of my mind, he's just like a good actor in a movie when you watch him playing football, you'll never forget his performance on the field after the match!
"Thank you to all those who voted for me. I have to thank Marcel Desailly for all that he did for me. Today is February 7 and it has been 20 years since I got married. It’s a special day for me." Zidane deliver his acceptance speech after he receive the awards. Still lookin' good (my mind in reminiscence mode). He had lead his team and his country through tons of tough matches and lead them to the route of champions! His leading and teamworking skills proves us that no doubt he's a one great playmaker/footballer and his dribbling skills perfect and light up a football match!
He deserves it! Congrats to Zizou!
(PS : When he gonna do another charity match? Missing to see him playing on the field again!*wipe away tears* I just wanna did a shoutout to Zizou, Imma big fans of you and dying to see you playing on the field LIVE once in my lifetime! Hopefully.)
Rain Fall Review : Not that THRILL!
I'm not really a big fans of japanese movie. First of all, I don't understand japanese although subtitle is provided (I just can't get used to it watching other language movie except english and chinese.). And except, it's a really big one like Death Note or maybe horror movie, or animated movie especially produced by Miyazaki (Ghibli), I don't really touch much on Japanese movie.
To be honest, my two reason to watch this movie :
-It is a japan based action thriller movie . I love Japan's view and it's a really beautiful country!
-It's simple, Gary Oldman in it! Simply into Oldman's acting!
It's about a hitman, John Rain try to protect one of the victim and the evidence that can cause the falling of Japan's economic and politics against the CIA corrupted agent. Kippei Shiina is casted as John Rain in this movie. I have not read the novel before but first thing come into my mind on John Rain's role is...Leslie Cheung is surely a suitable cast for the role, only if he still alive, sigh! Imagine that! It's not really special or oustanding for the character John Rain and I feel like Kippei Shiina didn't impress me much in this movie. But one thing for sure, Kyoko Hasegawa is really pretty!
When they get a star like Gary Oldman in the movie, it's predictable that Oldman has a big role in it! And what else for Oldman to play in this movie, of course something Oldman always good at! Gary Oldman plays a stress out CIA agent that want to hunt John Rain down so badly! And he's the only good thing in this movie! Not very surprise on that because there is no doubting on Gary Oldman when it comes to acting. Somehow, he remind me of Commissioner Gordon from Dark Knight, only a bit stress out and...villain-ny!
This movie is Aw-ful! Sorry but no awesomeness in this movie. Too little action, too much talking....it's like a monotone when you watch the movie. The trailer looks much better than the movie itself. The fighting scene is not really capturing! It's just....pretty bad. Well, unless you're a big Gary Oldman's fans then it's kinda worth to watch as his acting in this one is good! And...seriously, I can't find another reason to watch this movie. Or maybe if you read the novel, you can check this movie out but most probably you'll be disappointed by it ( So you better don't watch! ). It's a big Nay for me. This movie is mainly speaked in Japanese but there's some english too, don't worry there is something called subtitle to help you out!
(PS : Just figure out in Japan based movie, they like to have some action scene in painting exhibition. And Hollywood director is encouraged to shoot some scenes in Japan, that's a really nice place! Hmm, you're welcomed to Malaysia too. And again, Gary Oldman died in this movie! His dying range is not only within Hollywood but have expanded to Japan. Poor guy! :D )