What is the best way to spend your weekends? Well, normally I will spend my weekends going swimming, cook some nice food to treat myself (one of the reason why I'm getting cuter chubby than before*sob sob*), hanging out with friends or family, read a book....etc. But guess what, I've cancel all my routine weekends activities and have an awesome "geeky" weekends by attending the MaGaCon 2012 that was held at Publika last week (Publika is like my second home now, kind of.).
For those who got tons of question marks popping out around their head now, stay cool, I'll explain to you what is MaGaCon. It's called Malaysia Games Convention which is like the fun fair version of digital and analog games. Awww~ I love to play games and how can I not to attend this event.
*Tada* Gamers everywhere~ |
Different gaming platforms at MaGaCon. |
There were variety of games available, Assassin's Creed, FIFA, CoD, and etc. But I'm diggin' all the board games, call me a frog under the well (direct translate from the proverb) but all I know is Monopoly before I went to MaGaCon. I've played the chicken memory game, chop the tree bark and I was really craving for the ghost card game (I don't know what is the name but there are few objects available and the people with the fastest response grab the piece and he/she will get the card). Just a personal opinion, I thought more interaction will be involved by playing analog game, good for youngster nowadays.
On the other hands, I HEART JUST DANCE 4 SOOO MUCH (as a loyal fans of Sony PlayStation, Just Dance 4 just shake my loyalty and I'm thinking to get Xbox 360 kinectic just for the game, NOOOO~)!!! I've tried Street Fighter X Tekken and I wonder why my Hwoarang will be defeated by Kuma (Shame on me!). Played FIFA 13 with a little boy and lose to him (Double shame on me!! My life is ruined by a little boy, I shall quit gaming~ No, the reason is that I play Winning Eleven all the time and I never touch a Xbox console before in my life. EXCUSES!)
Of course, that is not all. There were some quests to be completed and you will have the chance to win some awesome prizes. I didn't took part in the quest because IT'S WAY TOO DIFFICULT I'm in for the Nuffnang Quest so I thought of not to grab the chance for the other person from the public to win *Ehem* (well, the kind hearted side of me). I mean seriously POP THE BEANIE quest is almost like mission impossible where you need to pop the beanie bag from Freeasy (It's leather and it's so firm.), somehow I think we have some warriors manage to complete the quest as well (they must have brought a blade or AK with them to "pop" the bean bag.). There is a cosplay session as well and I saw Link!
Pop it! |
Cosplaying! |
Rilakkuma rilaksing and gaming at MaGacon. |
And we were given a task too for Nuffnangers, the few chosen one to complete the Nuffnang Quest. Our quest is CoD4, Jenga and challenge a game with the public.
Giving a brief for us.
CoD 4, no eyes see at the result. |
Our Jenga piece! So tall! |
I was in OMG mode when they let us know that one of the quest is playing CoD. Yes, no surprise at all but the thing is that I never play CoD before and I seldom play PC game (I play console game and MoH, totally unrelated~). Without any doubt, search for a quick briefing on how the control button work and the rest just count on luck, seriously (T___T). The coolest part is I brought my dad as my game partner and he MUST play that game (He never go near to the PC in his entire life and I need to teach him how to play CoD on the spot, imagine that!). I was kinda laugh till I roll on the floor when I guide my dad playing. Below is the conversation between me and my dad during the game.
Me : "Turn around, turn around, enemy at your back."
Dad : "How, how?" (He start pressing the move forward button...)
Me : "NONONONONO, drag the mouse, I mean turn around the gun position, move the mouse~TURN AROUND TURN AROUND~" (In very kan cheong aka nervous mode where the enemy start shooting at him.)
(Look at the PC, still in the same position)
Dad : "Okay, okay, is it like this??" (The following part I ald burst out laughing and tell him it's okay, nvm we just try our best in Jenga.)(Because he position the mouse in the opposite's direction and flip it upside down as I ask him "Turn around".)
We end up at 8th place in CoD which is quite good (REALLY!?) if you will like to know there are 8 teams in the Nuffnang Quest. We did okay in Jenga and we didn't win in the quest but we were having so much fun. I'm a bad daughter as I really can't stop laughing at the CoD Mouse issue.
Finally, it's over! |
I met someone at MaGaCon that kinda made my day! Guess who?
It's Dark Vader! Trying to control the Jenga piece using his force. |
Yea, I like Obi Wan but kinda fancy Dark Vader as well. I think they should have more cosplayer at MaGaCon. Overall, it's a really awesome event. I hope the next one will be organised at a larger place, with more gaming device for the digital game section (difficulty walking around and more chance for other people to try out the game). The analog section is doing good! And I hope they provide some drinks and energy bars if it's possible (a little greedy but gamers need them)! Last but not least, more prizes for lucky draw~ Oh and thumbs up for the staff at the event (Thank you for teaching us how to play a game~)!
Me, joining the dark side. |
Probably the happiest moment of the day, holding the lightsaber
and slashing other players. The End!