Red Riding Hood, the girl Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is not a kid in this movie, she grown up and fell in love with a woodcutter, Peter (Shiloh Fernandez). However, her family want her to marry to Henry (Max Irons) who is grow in a richer family. And this movie is set in a village which is haunted by the curse of werewolf who will come to attack the village and kill from time to time. After a few incidents happened, they found out that the werewolf wants Valerie. So, they summon Father Solomon (Gary Oldman) to help them kill the werewolf.
May 31, 2011
Red Riding Hood review : Dark Fantasy
Red Riding Hood, the girl Valerie (Amanda Seyfried) is not a kid in this movie, she grown up and fell in love with a woodcutter, Peter (Shiloh Fernandez). However, her family want her to marry to Henry (Max Irons) who is grow in a richer family. And this movie is set in a village which is haunted by the curse of werewolf who will come to attack the village and kill from time to time. After a few incidents happened, they found out that the werewolf wants Valerie. So, they summon Father Solomon (Gary Oldman) to help them kill the werewolf.
May 25, 2011
Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides Review : More Jack Sparrow
As a big Pirates of Caribbean fans, I get really excited when this one came out...uhm, when they say there will not be POTC 4 after the third one, I was like...c'mon, Johnny Depp is so keen doing Jack Sparrow, there must be another one...only that they need to play with the time and the fans! Here they comes, this time the storyline play around the fountain of youth which believes that it can bring back one's youth, not can be immortal by taking one's life (the sacrifice) which require the mermaid's tears, the silver cup and the water from fountain of youth. This is how Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) meet up with Blackbeard (Ian McShane) and his first love Angelica (Penelope Cruz), join their crews unwillingly and fight against the Spain and Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) to get to the fountain of youth.

-Captain Jack Sparrow loves to disguise as someone else. In this one too!
May 13, 2011
Lie To Me : Let's save the show!
To Fox, truth hurts....please Lie To "Us"!
Was quite shocked and not really shocked for the cancellation of Lie To Me. The not-really-shocked factor is that we all knew the later season 2 and 3 rating go downhill by the end of the season. But then, back to the overall view....the drama itself is slightly different from the usual tv drama series. It's a drama series where the storyline build on a psychologist aka micro-expression expert, Dr. Lightman that works with his team, Lightman group to identify or "poke out" who's lying to help in a criminal investigation, and of course it is not limited to only crime cases but sometimes they will be involved in cases like politics or private relationship investigation.
Why Fox shouldn't dropped this show :
-Because Lie To Me itself has a really unique theme and storyline (It makes crime investigation more interesting.). We knew the downhill rating thingy but if time is given for Lie To Me to develops, this will be a really good show. It already is.
-The relationship among characters in the shows is well develop and I think they worked pretty well together.
-The main character, Cal Lightman is simply awesome. His character builds up, a lil' quirky, but yet professional, all the characteristic, it got the attention of the viewers and they LOVE him! Tim Roth is good.
-Lie To Me's storyline can be expanded and become more interesting. Potential tv drama series.
-It's simple, the viewers just love the show!!!
With the show gone now, there're lot of things that we surely missed. Let's take Cal Lightman as example.....

he way Cal pointing at people and tell them, "You're lying!"

So, what can we do to save Lie To Me? There are plenty of ways to do this (definately not in the violent way okay!). Just give it a shot like :
-Non other than social network!!! Twitter, let's make save lie to me as a twitter trend, you know tweet #savelietome maybe to @Foxbroadcasting or @Fox_Research .
For all Lie To Me fans out there, I'm sure you guys are disappointed and sad. So, just do our best. I will relly like to know how the others think about the cancellation on Lie To Me and the toher 4 shows.
May 11, 2011
Thor Review : More than what we expect!
Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the god of thunder is sent to the earth by his father Odin (Anthony Hopkins) due to his arrogant behaviour and Odin want Thor to learn something from this experience living on the Earth. This is how Thor met Jane (Natalie Portman) and fell in love with her. But then, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Thor's Bros....personally I think Loki is a damn cute name, thinking of naming my pet after this, only if I get a pet. Ehem, back to the topic....Loki jealous of Thor and knowing his real identity mend him into a villain and helping the frost giant to attack their own land, Asgard and destroying the races of the frost giant.

Thor is a gentlemen, looks at how he hold a girl's hand.
First of all, I'm amused by the setting of Asgard. Blew me off! 150 millions, I think it's worth to spent on! The bridge that connect the universe, the hall, visually satisfied. And I love the Frost Giant make up. They spent 5 hours to have the make up on. The effect make up is good. The monster, I think it's a frost-rhino alike monster is cool. And the moment Thor's father, Odin riding on a horse, that's the impression of a KING! The way he appear with thunder!
I think the storyline, at first I thought that it would be something like more towards the mythology of God of Thunder. You know? But then, they carry the storyline really well by having Thor on the Earth, no more the Son of God's life. It's really funny when Thor get to the earth. The funniest part is he heads into a pet shop and yelled, "I want a horse!" I can't stop laughing over that! And loads more of adventure, fighting and funny stuff in this movie. No bored moment at all!
And of course, I get really excited watching Thor.....because it gives a more clearer picture on Avengers (Biting my finger!!!!). We knew that the ending scenes of Iron Man 2 showing that they find Thor's hammer is exactly well explained in this movie, Thor. Again, Agent Coulson show up, great one, the guy from SHIELD. We have only one more left, Captain America and then we can set sail to check out the most anticipating Avengers film. By the way, Thor's "Miu-Miu" is really powerful! Haha!
Summary for the movie, Thor :
-Great movie with loads of action and adventure, amazing setting and nice flow of storyline.
-Stan Lee did a great job pulling the "Miu-Miu" by using a truck, he failed but manage to bring Thor from comic book to the big screen.
-Love Chris Hemsworth as Thor. But Iron Man still my no.1 favourite. Can't wait to see the arrogant Thor meet up with swagger/over-confident Stark in Avengers.
-Highly recommend if you want some action packed superhero movie that lighten up with the little fantasy in it. This is the one!
-More on Avengers and SHIELD, more understanding of them in this one. From Incredible Hulk onwards, clue is the ending!
(PS : Tons of nice movie in May. Guess I need to set up a tent outside the cinema.)
May 8, 2011
Man with glasses : The sense of stylish
But now, glasses seems to be an additional deco for the homosapiens that will enhance the appearance and of course, give em' a wise and gentle looking, it's not nerdy anymore! Especially when they have tons of glasses design now. Well, hollywood celebrity using it "wisely" to give a new impression to the people after they wore the glasses. So, let's see who're some of the celebs that wore it well!
First up, the prince of R&B and POP.....Justin Timberlake! We know he has some groovy and sexy dance moves, and how his music influence in the music industry. But, he's just looks much "tamed", ehem....much mama's boy like yet don't lose a bit of fashion sense on him when he put on the glasses.

Next! It's the sexy killing machine from UK, Judy Law...okay it's Jude Law, but I thought Judy will sound real cute ( Okay, okay I know it's really lame! )! Jude Law is undeniable sexy and hot. He always gimme a feeling of the classic UK gentlemen, with the top hat and the tuxedo ( until I found out this Judy and Rubber Ducky jr in Holmes, they just looks like kiddies together. ). The glasses, what can the glasses do to him? Just getting much better! I think it's matureness reflected by the glasses on him, hmmm, sexy, mature British. I can't complain anything about that!

The following will be one of my favourite when he put his glasses on. I think he got the fashion sense when comes to picking the right glasses, or maybe I should just said any glasses fit him well. It's Gary Oldman! Yeah. To be honest, he looks not that evil when he have his glasses on. I don't know but his eyes, the stares, wow....just looks so threatening and dangerous to me. But then check him out with his glasses, you will go "AWWWWW!" (Partially is me, myself going awwww~).

He is the one that get crowned with the artist with the best glasses in Hollywood! And yes, he is Johnny Depp! Johnny Depp try on different style of glasses which I'm kinda agree with everyone, he's really great and looks damn cool with all those glasses. He's well known with his oval shaped with dark in color slightly thick frame glasses. Johnny is really unique and outstand most of the artist when it comes to the glasses. He has the senses of literaly artistic "aura" with him yet he can still keep his little wild and sexy looks with the glasses on. There's something between him and the glasses. It feels like slightly not right when he took off his glasses except he's filming.

Australian hunk aka the wolf, the sexy beast, once sexiest man alive, Hugh Jackman, I can't believe he can looks soooooooo gentle~. I mean he always gives us a very sexy, wild, I don't know but I like to refer him as sexy beast (This sounds so weird but it's kinda true!) and with the glasses on, he looks so "teacher-like".


Glasses is a trend nowadays and it shows us a different side of the celebs, kinda! Well, so far I think Depp is good at it, I'm pretty impress with Oldman as well and Downey. This three actors are my top 3 the best that good in playing with the glasses. Now, you know glasses is not only just for near or far sighted but for beauty and as a decorative item as well!
Urbanae Expiry Cooking Experience
*DING* Here you go, the golden ultimate random mixture toaster!
After the oven-ing process and I'm about to eat, I found out that :
-I didn't put in mayo and ketcup sauce, it is so DRY inside!
-My dear cheesy and bread is expired. SHOCK FACTOR! But since both stuffs are dairy product and produced through the fermentation process. Urbanae have some bites on it!
Still feels good and delicious on that ultimate thingy! By the way, it's cool if you use garlic sausages and thick smoky cheese for your ingredient. I love heavyweight food in the sense of aroma and taste. And I'm still alive after the eating, but I will ensure that this wont happened for the second time.
(PS : Conclusion is that I may diagnose with severe aging memory loss with all thse symptoms.)
The Mystery Symbol : Project Kolony
Kolony revealed by Celcom is a highly infectious thingy in town. Why I say so? Because it's all about widening and enhance your social networking with the help of Project Kolony. It's a SMS-based social network that allow you to stay connect with your friends in an easy and convenient way. So, how are you going to get infected with Kolony?
The first thing that you'll need to do :
After this, there're some of the ways that you can socialize using Kolony :
-DING : Ding your buddies & leave them a message to cheer em' up!! (Send KDING
-BOMM : Share your updates by BOMM it to all of your friends! (Send KBOMM
- FREN : Make as many friends as you can in KOLONY!!! (Send KFREN
-POPP : Comment on your buddies say! (Send KPOPP
-POPP : Comment on your buddies say! (Send KPOPP
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